New outfit for regum.de


New webpage, new structure and tons of information this is our new page. It is now available in full screen mode.


You will find many new documents, drawings and information about our insulation systems and services around the track.


We continue to work on improved installation instructions, new products and keeping the site constantly up-to-date.


You will find a wide range of insulation options, starting with our rail filling elements to the various rail foot insulations. This is REGUM AROUND THE TRACK.


Just click through the new menu and convince yourself of our products and offers.


Regum.de is now also optimized for your smartphone and tablet. Small hint: Best to use in cross-format.


Do not hesitate to contact us directly, or use our contact form.


Your REGUM team


REGUM rail products and services








REGUM is a leading manufacturer of rail filling elements and a partner for insulation systems for construction of tram tracks.



We identify with you and your tasks. This results in tailor-made solutions for every project.


Contact us and find out more about our extensive range of toolings, covering almost all common rail types, our special solutions for turnout and crossing areas, as well as our additional products around track insulation.









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